Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Being Intolerant or Tolerant or just Confused!!

Yes this is about the whole "Intolerant India" rant and boo ha that's going around. But seriously I'm a little bit confused to whether I find India Intolerant of Tolerant, the lines are so blur or I'm just a dimwit who's not able to get this new concept....well im trying to keep myself updated with what's happening in the world in between the numerous Supermommy chores that never seem to end. 

So now is being intolerant means something like how people are lactose intolerant hence can't have anything to do with lactose ....so that means one is Intolerant toward India means they can't stand India. But then if I can stand India but still not be happy with lots of stuff happening in the country then what am I.....Selectively Intolerant toward India. 

Hmmm......I think getting a toddler potty trained is much easier than this and trust me potty training is freaking difficult. 

Let me try it this way.... What am I intolerant towards my Country or let's stick to my city because obviously that's where I live right. I wake up every morning or at least most mornings to either the street dogs barking away to glory...probably they have their own intolerant issues who knows...or they just pissed off with the BBMP guys who have stopped neutering them anymore....or are having a complete rave party to the bags and bags of garbage laying out because you know....its Namma Bengaluru here garbage gets removed like once in a week or was that a month. 

And then it's the usual saga of getting food ready, getting my daughter ready to school, with some few sneaked in conversations to my hubby who is usually part happy part grumpy self every morning....guess he has his intolerant issues as well....the fact that he has to drive all the way to work in that war zone I call Bangalore Traffic....trying to avoid potholes that are camouflaged with previous day's rain water, or trying not to hit the rider in front who suddenly realized there one of these death holes in front of her...some aunties I tell you...they have the reflex of a hunting animal.. so quick they are in turning the direction of their vehicles, which in such situations is helpful I think...
Yes and then my daughter and I are ready to leave to school where she is securely strapped into her car seat...after our routine argument that she doesn't need to sit in it because she watches so many other kids who dont seem to be sitting in one and also sit in the front seat next their parents....I try my best to slip my way out of that conversation well how can I explain the fact that there isn't really a rule by law that kids need to sit securely strapped to a car seat....so I tell her that she has to sit in it because it's the safest place to sit in....but I can sense this question and debate of how other kids get to experience such freedom in car or even go on a bike is coming back to bite me in the rear. I also have something on my side to support me to get her to sit in the car seat every time I drive....remember the death holes, and the quick re flexed aunties and uncle or the "we need to get somewhere more than you" auto guys or cab guys!! Well I usually have her at "potholes"!! 

And so the tolerant me or intolerant me ( still haven't decided) drops off the lil one and gets back home....to sit back with me cuppa coffee and enjoy the peace at home....and I hear my neighbor ranting away to her hubby about how she not able to get any work done whole morning.....and I'm wondering what's her deal....wonder what she being intolerant about. I just had to check and I realize there hasn't been electricity for more than 2hrs.....Well thanks to my UPS I dint even notice it. But here this poor lady is wondering what to do with half ground masala for the Biryani and the half washed clothes laying in the washing machine. I assure the sulking Mom that she may want to give it a hour or so and the electricity will find its way home. 

And thus I'm back on my couch sipping this amazing coffee I picked up in Singapore....ahh Singapore I drift back to my third visit to that place recently ..... By now I have had the MRT map all on the tip of my fingers. Local transport there is just amazing...that I really haven't found going around Singapore ever a hassle. So well connected and easy....you could cross the road at the designated spots and no one would hassle you to move it and even cars would slow down to let you cross. Back home there are high chances of getting hit...or running across the zebra crossing before some "accelerator happy" fool jumps the signal. 
Also I wonder how I never came across even one cleaner/worker on the road cleaning the roads during peak hours or even at 8.00 am but still roads looked like though Singapore has a tie up with Santa's Elves because everything look litter free. 

As I sip my yummy coffee I can't help bursting out into a laugh...I remember how our fellow couple friends traveling with us in Singapore....despite my warning were sipping on some smoothie ( well of course Singapore has its heat) at the MRT station...there are warnings put up every where that drinking and eating in an MRT and at the station isn't allowed.....but then probably they felt we are thirsty and hell no one is watching....which is true because we could not see anyone... no security guard or a law enforcing agent at sight. The min their mouths took a sip into those yummy smoothes...poof appeared a guy from no where and politely he said sorry you can't drink this here.....just hold on to it till you leave the station. And as the two shook their heads and quietly placed back their drinks securely hidden away from sight....my husband and I were wondering how the hell did they know and from where did he come from.....and we look at numerous cameras stealthily watching us from all directions. I believe one MRT station has around 600-700 cameras can you beat that. Back home we too have security cameras....I'm sure half of them are working...which do capture laws and rules being broken...but what's missing...no one popping out  from nowhere and enforcing the rule being broken...hmm...I wonder why!!!

And so as I move onto about the the pros and cons of moving to another place....the reason well maybe this should explain it....During my last trip to Dubai...I heard my Aunt advise my overworked and underpaid, highly educated cousin sister....my aunt said and I quote " I want her to quit that job...because I have not brought up my daughter with so much love and dignity to see her struggle like this because of someone else....she deserves way more than this and that's what she should work towards and not be getting such a raw deal in life"!!
And I wonder... don't my family and I deserve the same...don't we deserve a better life with good facilities...a infrastructure that is reliable and where you don't have to lead every day saying "swalpa adjust Maadi" no I don't want to adjust...well I don't hear the government saying Oh you couldn't pay your tax it's ok we will adjust! I don't see women feeling safe when they go out...worrying every day if my daughter is safe at school... of course we are lucky that we aren't being killed or being bombed and have to flee to a foreign country. But is that what we have based our life on....on how worse things can be and that we are better off than that. 

Why can't we dream of having better facilities....just basic better facilities...is it too much to ask good roads, clean environment...effective public transportation. Better education facilities..touch law enforcement.  These are available in so many countries and so much more....

I still dunno if I can define myself as intolerant or tolerant....I am just Opinionated like many others. In the end all we have are our opinions .....which seem to help in my Moms group( thank god) but not when it comes to how life can be better in our Country!!

I think someone should have just kept a diary instead of opening up to her actor husband....

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