Monday, May 12, 2014

Lesson of life I learnt after becoming a mother!!

Before you I had all the time in the world, now there isn't even time to take a break or look at the clock.
Before you  hours weren't enough to get ready or pamper myself, now a quick ten minute shower minus the blow dry is a luxury.
Before you travel to exotic locales was the highlight of my life, now a trip alone to the departmental store is my sanctuary.
Before you I was a shopaholic, latest trends were my haunt, now if I can wear my clothes on the right side I consider myself lucky.
Before you  I was adventures and free spirited, now I calculate the pros and cons of all the decisions I make even topics like if I should go to the loo leaving you on your own.
Before you life was simpler yet somehow empty & vain , now life is complex yet breathtaking & purposeful.
Before you I was a just a woman seeking an unknown  aspiration, now I'm a Mother who's aspiration is to only see you be the happy and content.
I gave birth to you but you  gave birth to the MOTHER in me!

This article as been sent for the contest at

Essential tips on preparing for a first 5k

1. Be realistic- If you’re an example of ‘couch potato to 5k’ then take it easy give yourself at least few months to train before your actual run.
2. Eat right - Its important to eat a balanced meal and to give you body what it needs to sustain such an physically taxing activity, drink lots of water during and after a run to avoid dehydration.
3. Gear up- No flat heeled shoes or any old sneakers laying around your doorstep, invest in a good running shoes, it's essential to have the right clothes as well as running tights or shorts, sweat absorbent tees and good fitting sports bra ( a regular bra is a huge no-no).
 4. Take it easy..ish- plan a simple routine with a distance goal in mind and work from there increasing the distance, forget about timings you are probably not going to be first but it's not about winning its the fact your committed to doing something new.
5. Don't get nervous- Try not to panic on the day when you feel you can't run no more ask yourself why are you doing this in the first place and push yourself .
6. It's ok to walk/jog- You don't need to run it you can always walk briskly or jog.. No one Is going to judge's about completing it.
7. Go to the loo- make a dash to the toilet before the big run, the pre- race toilet ritual is a sight to see, well you'll never see three thousand odd people standing in queue for the porta pottys now will you!! 
8.Enjoy Yourself- the experience on the whole is amazing, so many people running together for a common goal. Strangers cheering on the sides, take it all in. And the best part of it all is when you see that yellow finish line just forget everything and give it all you got.
9. Stretch it out- Don't stop moving even after you crossed the line, stretch you calves, hips and quads, it will be sore for the next few days...what did you expect you just did a 5k. 
10. Make it a habit- if you liked the experience then make it a part of your life, if you dint well you can always walk/jog/ run at your leisure. 

A mommy’s first 5k-Why I did it & How???

Life as we know it for a new mother is all about  issues from  breast feeding probs, diapers & diaper rashes,  to no sleep ever and to top that up thanks to the hormonal havoc there is the constant emotional roller-coaster that a new mommy goes through, from image insecurities to “Am I being a good mother” to what not. 

Motherhood not only gave me the cutest baby but also the piles of fat that just doubled to my dismay thanks to the ‘no workout’ put across by my Ortho since I had developed severe calcium deficiency and it was bad for my knees. So here I was a new mommy learning how to live a new norm struggling to find anything that could fit me in my wardrobe and then one day there was the epiphany ...the biggest gift I could ever give my daughter is a healthy fit happy mother and It had to happen now. 

I have always dreaded the gym..never been a loner when it comes to workouts...I'm a group kinda gurl...Aerobics, Zumba and Dancing as always been my  mantra, I love the energy and enthusiasm in a group exercise. It's still not clear to me why I decide not to do what I always loved but to challenge myself to something out of the box...maybe I wanted to come out of my comfort zone and my mundane life ....and voila there it was, in my mind I could see those big fat letters MARATHON ???

Knowing that I would back out from it eventually because at that moment it sounded drastic for person who hasn't done any "actual workout"  unless you consider lifting my baby, cooking cleaning and other household chores a workout ( which I do like so many other mommies) I quickly moved that butt and Googled the next marathon and bought my ticket, that's how the Bengaluru Midnight Marathon 2013 became my next focus apart from the dealing with a toddler with temper tantrums. 

The Preparation :

The  Midnight Marathon in my city Bangalore was in December and I had a good ole two months to prepare . It had been months (whom am I kidding) actually years since I had a decent workout, due to my weight and knee problem I couldn't even walk a km without getting out of breath or having  pain in my knees and heels. So first things first I realized that I would have to take my calcium & vitamins regularly if I was going to succeed in this. There had to be a change in food habits as well…you can’t put a cheesy chicken burger or pizza inside you and expect your body to run a 5k. It's all about eating right as well. 
So supplements- check, balanced and healthy food- check, I was now good to  go.

Geared with my Nike running shoes, I decided to take it slow. First I did only brisk walks covering only small distances,  I just kept the pace up and as the weeks progressed the small walks became longer stretches covering at least 1.5 to 2 km. I started feeling quite confident in a months’ time I was doing 3kms without feeling tired. I remember never actually running a 5 km during my preparation it was always a brisk walk or a jog, I did what I felt my body was comfortable doing and went by my instincts. I prefer the jog/ run technique versus just running entirely.
Preparing for the 5k was like my ‘Me time’ away from my mommy duties listening to my favorite songs and walking with purpose I felt in peace,  I felt…healthy.

Judgment Day:

On 14th Dec 2013 I finished my first 5k in 50 mins…it was exhilarating the fact I did it and actually finished it within an hour I was proud of myself . It was tiring especially after the 3km mark, my legs started to feel heavier but it was mind over matter and the training that rescued me. 
 I went into this thinking it was a one-time challenge but on 23rd Feb 2014 I did my second 5k in 40 min at Pinkathon Bengaluru. For me running a marathon became more than losing weight but to push myself from the ordinary!!! 

Well this mommy is now hooked on to it…my eyes are already set on my next one....many ask me why do you run….I simply reply why don’t you run???